1 ESO students receive the visit of 1 and 2 IB students who told them spooky tales to celebrate Halloween. These 1 and 2 ESO students also decorate their classroom doors with iconic images related to this anglosaxon festivity.

Celia Viñas Bilingual Learning Site
1 ESO students receive the visit of 1 and 2 IB students who told them spooky tales to celebrate Halloween. These 1 and 2 ESO students also decorate their classroom doors with iconic images related to this anglosaxon festivity.
1 IB students went to the Centre of Photography to visit the exhibition and use the different images to make students analyze them and expose their conclusions to the other students.
1º ESO students have created a video and some posters related to noise pollution. They explain what noise pollution means, how harmful may be for our health and different solutions to solve or reduce the problem. The posters show different levels of noise (measured in decibels) produced by humans as well as nature.
This year, we want to focus on an unusual way of celebrating this festivity. Most of us relate this day to the expression of love to someone else but we usually find evidence of wrong behaviours in the name of love. That is the reason why we have planned some activities on this day which is celebrated worldwide.
First of all, with the help of the Department of Equality and its coordinator Leticia, our students are going to discuss about different english expressions which have become familiar through Internet (“ghosting, benching,stalking,etc) to know what they really mean and try to give advice to achieve a responsible affective life. They will also explain their meaning illustrating some of these words in posters which will be exhibited in the corridors.
Our colleague Amparo and the English Department have prepared an activity using the song “Flowers” by Miley Cyrus to encourage our students to learn to love themselves and to avoid the dependence we sometimes associate with this feeling.
And finally, we will go back to the classics reading some love poems (Sonnet 18 by Shakespeare,Roses are red” by Edmund Spence,etc)
After receiving information about this topic in their Biology classes, 1 ESO students have been making projects about climate change and how to stop its consequences. They have been helped in this task by our language assistants, Jazmin Robles and Nick Mosley. All the projects will be exhibited in their classroom and in the corridor next to their classes.
1° Bachillerato students were asked to make a video about what they usually do during winter holidays,we called it that way because of the different religions/ beliefs our students have.
The video had to be made in pairs because they were able to exchange ideas and performing could be more fun too.
They have enjoyed carrying out this assignment and all of them have said to feel more confident speaking English , which was one of our aims.
As usual, we have celebrated the end of the year with several activities in all the courses which participate in the Bilingual Programme. During this month, our language assistants Jazmin Robles and Nick Mosley have been giving talks about the way this festivity is celebrated in their hometowns. They have also prepared activities like an escape room, carols and games related to Christmas time. Our students have had a great time learning about foreign traditions.
In the following image you can see Jazmin, our language assistant, who has been telling 4 ESO students about Christmas in the USA. They have also played bingo to practise Christmas songs as well as Christmas riddles to improve vocabulary related to this topic. We want to thank Jasmine for preparing such entertaining and funny classes.
The 1º ESO students have created the perfect background with their Music teacher. You probably have listened to their carols which have been sounding in the nearby corridors during these last class days.
We have also organized the Christmas Cards competition with 1st and 2nd ESO. You can look at all these wonderful cards on the Bilingual Board next to the entrance.
The 3rd ESO students have made some Christmas Bookmarks to illustrate different features of this cheerful holiday.
And finally, our 4 ESO students want to wish us all the best for this time of the year by reciting some Christmas poems. We hope you like them!
4 ESO students have been learning about different issues related to music: how music can bring people together, different types of music, how they feel when they listen to music and how to talk about their favourite singer or band. Some of them have made very interesting posters about the effects of music in our brain. You can watch examples on the main board of the corridor. Hope you like them!
1 and 2 IB students have made up posters and leaflets in English and French to send clear messages against gender violence . We hope actions like these ones can raise awareness about this problem which affects to so many people worldwide. This activity is made with the collaboration of the Equality and Diversity programme which has also planned different events to fight against gender-based violence.
Last 17 November, 1 IB students showed the most relevant places in Almería (the Cathedral, the shelters, Alcazaba, the old square, etc) to 4 ESO students. IB students performed the roles of members of travel agencies and described these places and answered the students´ questions about anecdotes and events in those iconic places. It was an interesting activity to learn more about our city and share knowledge and experiences