ENGLISH: 3º ESO B , 1º Bachillerato Grupos B y C , 2º Bach (Segundo Idioma)


Hemos pasado a los tutores/as de todos los grupos los canales de información entre alumnado y profesorado. En caso de que alguno de vosotros no tenga esa información la puede encontrar en la página web del instituto


Para el alumnado de 3º ESO B

Trabajaremos con material del libro de texto y material online  y la comunicación será a través de este blog (como hemos hecho hasta ahora) y de mi correo electrónico que añado al final de esta entrada. También utilizaremos el aula virtual de la Junta de Andalucía .


Para el alumnado de 1º Bach B y C y 2º Bach (Segundo Idioma)

Usaremos el aula virtual de la Junta de Andalucía y este blog


Este Moddle es reciente y están cargando al alumnado (si alguno tiene problemas de acceso que me escriba un correo y si es un problema del grupo os pediría que me escriba la delegada o delegado para ser más efectivos).

Mientrás no tenga certeza de que todo el mundo pueda utilizar el aula virtual, iré detallando tareas y actividades en este blog (Recordad siempre hacer click en “English” porque si no te salen todas las entradas de las diferentes asignaturas del programa bilngüe).

La dirección del blog es :


Mi correo es :


Best regards to everybody!

English 3 ESO B: Describing a recipe and Answering Questions 30/03-03/04

We know you are helping cooking at home and we want you to describe a simple recipe in English and show your abilities.

First you have to click on the link and you will have 3 worksheets (but we are going to work just with worksheets 1 and 2).

On the first worksheet you only have to place instructions in order (the second activity), then do worksheet 2. When you finish with them, describe your own recipe in a similar way to the model).

(I will tell you later where to send it.)

Describing-a-recipe  (click)

Then, answer each question with five answers using Conditional sentences

What will you do if you want to prepare a wonderful lunch for your family? (First Conditional)

What would you do if you couldn’t go out of your house for one month?

(Second  Conditional)

(I will tell you later where to send it).

Finally, don’t forget to check irregular verbs.

Greetings from your teacher!!!!

(I miss you)

1º Bach. B and C groups. English tasks (16th-27th March)

As we said last Friday, these are the main activities to be done during the days without attendance to high school.

1. Check grammar and vocabulary from units 1 to 5 ( finish those workbook activities in unit 5 we haven’t done so far: pages 40,41,42,44).

2. Write compositions with the same topics of the five types of text we have practised (pages 97-101 workbook) and compare them with the reference text in those pages and then, try to improve your own version. It’s an optional activity for those who want to get better writing texts. When we come back you can show me those texts you have written.

3. We are going to read Notting Hill (Penguin Readers) in the third term so if you have the chance of reading it online or you have that book, you can advance work in these days when reading is essential.

During these days, we will also suggest some websites where you can keep on practising your English.  The first one is …


And if you want to check what we have learnt recently (Future Forms) you can listen to this short story, revise grammar and do some online activities in this website:


Keep in touch!


4º ESO students have made this work to commemorate the International Women’s Day. Women play an important role in Classical Music, but they have been frequently ignored. Our objective  is to make them highly visible.

25th November: International Day against Gender Violence

During all this week, our students will participate in some activities, organized by the Coeducation Department , which focus on one of the most terrible violations against human rights : violence against women.  It is a worldwide problem which we must fight to eliminate as soon as possible and to become aware of this cruel situation, we have prepared for our students in the classes of English some files with information and stories which exemplify this matter. We will also watch some videos made by the United Nations which will also motivate students to talk and discuss about this subject, trying to find possible solutions.

Here , you can have a look at those files we are going to work with and some of the videos we are going to watch. We will finish these activities listening to a song by Sara Bareilles which tells us the story of a girl in this situation.





Students of  1º ESO C did different experiments demonstrating that sound is a vibration. In this picture, we can see string phones and mouth organs. These ones are made with sticks and elastic bands that vibrate when you blow.