Ramadam (Umber’s diary)

Todays topic is the special holy month for Muslims called Ramadan. Muslims all over the world fast for 30 days.

So what is fasting?

When a person fasts in Ramadan they don’t eat any food or drink (including water) from sunrise to sunset. Muslims fast for a number of reasons and some of these include: to become closer to God, reflect on their actions and to remember less fortunate people who don’t have food/water. Ramadan is a month of self improvement and discipline. Fasting also has a number of health benefits as it detoxes the body from harmful toxins. It gives your digestive system a break from eating too much food. Only people who are physically fit and capable are allowed to fast. For example children, people that need medicine daily and pregnant women do not have to fast. If a person is sick they do not have to fast.

A picture of Central Mosque in Glasgow. The biggest mosque.

Charity and helping others is a big part of Ramadan. Muslims are encouraged to donate money to people who are less fortunate and do not have enough food and water. Muslims are also encouraged to help people around them such as their family, friends, neighbours and people in the community.

What is Eid?

Eid is the celebration after the 30 days of fasting. There is an Eid prayer in the morning at the mosque and a special breakfast is eaten. On Eid people dress up in new clothes and we also celebrate by eating good food and enjoying food after fasting for 30 days. Presents and money are given to children and adults. It is a fun and exciting day spent with family and friends. In Glasgow we usually have some Eid events during the week such as markets, games and outdoor activities for families.

A different Ramadan

This year Ramadan has been very different for me and many people worldwide because of the Coronavirus. There are many things Muslims have not been able to do such as going to the mosque for Taraweeh (night prayers), having Iftar parties (Iftar is when we open the fast to eat!) and spending Ramadan with family and friends. As a result we will not be able to spend Eid together which is sad but for the best as staying home and being safe is very important during this time. I think I will be having a virtual Eid party with all of my family on Zoom! Eid 2020 will be on Saturday 23rd or Sunday 24th May this year.

Eid Mubarak/Happy Eid to you all when it comes!


  1. Have you ever tried fasting? Do you think it would be difficult to fast?
  2. What other religious holidays or practices can you think of from Christianity, Islam, Judaism or any other religion?
  3. Write down the meanings of the words in bold.
  4. Summarize some of the main points of fasting.




This is the last point of this unit. If you want to write a work about  Tourism in Spain you will get a good mark in addition. So I´d like you think how the coronavirus is affecting to the tourism in Spain. I want you to know Tourism is Spain´s main economic activity.  Yo can write in Spanish if you prefer.

Este es el último punto de este tema. si queréis escribir un trabajo sobre el Turismo en España, obetendréis una buena nota además de la de la traducción. Quiero que penséis cómo el coronavirus  está afectando y afectará al turismo en España, teniendo en cuenta que el Turismo es la principal actividad económica.

You have  to translate the tablets of Business services  and personal services.

Tenéis que traducir las tablas de servicios empresariales o de negocios y servicios personales.


Here you are the glossary:

Design(designed): diseñar (diseñado)

To meet the needs of business: Cubrir las necesidades de las empresas

Replace: sustituir, reemplazar

complement: complementar

within: dentro de

Knowledge intensive services: Servicios intensivos de conocimiento

Fiscal and legal advice: asesoramiento fiscal y legal (esto se refiere a cuando las empresas necesitan de gente muy cualificada con conocimientos en impuestos, fiscal, y a nivel legal para que sean asesoradas, ayudadas a tomar buenas decisiones en estas áreas , la  fiscal y la legal.)

marketing: técnicas de venta

design: diseño

management: gestión

IT (Information technology): tecnología de la información (es todo lo relacionado con los ordenadores y su funcionamiento)

operating (or traditional) services:  servicios operativos o tradicionales

Cleaning: limpieza

security: seguridad

accounting: contabilidad

entertainment: entretenimiento

domestic services: servicio domestico

staff: personal

Assistance for the elderly: asistencia a ancianos

childcare: cuidado de niños

nursery schools: guarderías

Maintenance and repair: mantenimiento y reparaciones

painters: pintores

plumbers: fontaneros

electricians: electricistas

Independent professional services: servicios de profesionales liberales

lawyers: abogados

journalists: periodistas

hairdressers: peluquerías

bakeries: pastelerías

florists: floristerías

dry cleanesrs: tintorerías.

English Tasks (18-22 May) :3º ESO B, 1º Bach B,C

3 ESO B (Aula Virtual)

1. Make a comic strip about your experiences during the quarantine ( like the example) with expressions learnt during this course.

2. Listening: A child describing pictures to experts

3. Video about difference between Britain and UK

4. Make up your own story tale (Once upon a time …)

5. Umber’s Quiz.

1 Bach B, C (Aula Virtual)

1 Make a comic strip about your experiences during the quarantine ( like the example) with expressions learnt in units 1 and 2

2. Description of a friend or an acquaintance

3. Difference between USED TO and GET USED TO

4. Past Tense Contrast

5. Video about difference between Britain and UK

6. Writing :Make up your own story

7.Listening:  USED TO Songs


Schools in Scotland vs Spain (Umber’s Diary)


I worked in two schools in Almería for five months and I noticed some differences between the school systems in Spain and Scotland.

The first very noticeable difference is that pupils in Scotland are obliged to wear school uniform every day whereas Spanish students are allowed to wear whatever they want. High school children/teenagers will typically wear a white shirt, a tie, trousers or a skirt, a blazer and black shoes. We even had a uniform for PE (Physical Education). I liked wearing a uniform in school because it meant I didn’t have to decide what to wear to school everyday. However some students would prefer to wear whatever they wanted and we would sometimes have debates about this in English class.

Another difference I have noticed is the timetable. In Almería classes would begin at 8:15am and finish at 2:45pm but in Scotland high school begins at 8:45am and finishes at 3:35pm. I found it strange that there was no lunch break in between classes in Almería. In Scotland we have 2 classes then a break for 15 minutes. Then another 2 classes followed by the lunch break which lasted 45 minutes and then another 3 classes. However in my old high school we would finish at 2:45pm on Wednesday and Friday. On Monday,Tuesday and Thursday we would finish at 3:35pm.

In Almería students would stay in the same class for a lot of their classes. Teachers would go to their next class depending on what lesson they were teaching next. However in Scotland it is the students that have to walk to their different classes and the teacher stays in the same classroom.



  1. Do you think Spanish school students should wear a uniform? If yes/no, why?
  2. Which school timetable(Scottish or Spanish) do you prefer and why?
  3. Would you like to experience school in a different country? If you could choose a country to go to school in for a month, which country would you choose?


Buenos días,

Para esta semana la nueva ficha de comprensión lectora es la número 18. cuando la terminéis la subís al aula virtual en la lectura comprensiva nº 7. Ya sabéis que tenéis que copiar los enunciados y presentar la compresión lectora de forma limpia y ordenada. Saludos.


Hi guys,

3º PMAR no tiene que hacer el esquema titulado MEANS OF COMMUNICATION

This is is the glossary:

Financial Services: Servicios financieros

businesses: negocios

relate d: relaciondos

management: gestión

investment: inversión,

loans: préstamos

savings: ahorros

A country`s financial system:  el sistema financiero de un país

consist of: consta de

enable transfer of  money to take place: permiten que se realicen transferencias de dinero.

The key financial players are: los actores financieros clave son

person to person: persona a persona

social communication: comunicación social

mass media: medios de comunicación

Information and communication technologies: tecnologías de la información y la comunicación

In the way we work: en la forma en que trabajamos.

even. incluso

at long distances: a largas distancias

videoconferencing: videoconferencia

Teleworking: teletrabajo

Means of communication: medios de comunicación





Buenos días a todos y todas,

He recibido correos de alumnado que tiene dificultades para acceder al aula virtual que es donde tenéis que subir las traducciones y tareas, así que os adjunto unas instrucciones muy fáciles y claras para que podáis  entrar sin problemas.


Si a pesar de ello tenéis dificultades, escribidme a mi dirección de correo y me consultáis. racheligualdad@gmail.com.