Bilingual Activities 16th March


Hi, everybody! We are going to use this blog to share material during the days we can’t attend school. If you can tell all your classmates ( through whatsupp messages, email,etc), it will be easier to get in touch with all of them.

Thank you for your help!


¡Hola a todos/as! Vamos a utilizar este blog para compartir material durante los días que no podamos asistir al centro. Sí puedes decírselo a tus compañeros/as (a través de mensajes de whatsupp, correo,etc), será más fácil ponernos en contacto.

Gracias por vuestra ayuda.

Recent activities: Halloween and “Only human”

                                                                                                                       Julia Raash

As you all know,  we celebrated Halloween in our secondary school last 30th November. We had a Ghost Walk where our 1 ESO students listened to Lupita’s story in “The corpse bride”, then they participated in a cultural quiz about the origin and customs in Halloween and finally we had a spooky breakfast.

We also went to the theatre to see “Only human” a comedy which criticizes the use and abuse of technology in our world. They had fun watching the actors and some of the students who also performed in that hilarious play.



1ST C became   children of Prehistory and made  amazing prehistory tools and pottery.



Our 1st C students  visited the archeaological museum. They   learnt about Paleolithic, Neolithic and Metal ages thanks to a guided visit. They also participated in a  Prehistory painting workshop.