English: 3º ESO B , 1ºBach B and C (04-08/05 Tareas)


1.Realizar los siguientes ejercicios  de la unidad 6 del

workbook online ( información sobre el acceso en el

aula virtual):

Página 49: 1,2,3 (Online) y envíame al aula virtual las repuestas del 4 y  5

Página 51 1,2,3 (Online) y envíame al aula virtual las repuestas del 4 (Grammar)

Página 53: 1,2,4 (Online) y envíame al aula virtual las repuestas del 3 (Listening)

Página 54: 3,5 (Online) y envíame al aula virtual las repuestas del 4(Grammar)

Página 55: 1(Online) (Grammar)

2Ver el video de la tarea 16 del aula virtual y responde las preguntas sobre el mismo.

La tarea para el alumnado de PMAR la mando a su correo.

1 Bach B,C

Todas las actividades se detallan en el aula virtual (donde se tienen que descargar 3 archivos adjuntos)

  1. Realizar dos pruebas de PevAU (una, esta semana y otra la siguiente).
  2. Hacer una composición (A for and against essay) sobre las ventajas y desventajas del confinamiento.
  3. Ver el video en el aula virtual.
  4. Las actividades para el alumnado suspenso en el segundo trimestre aparecerán en el aula virtual en esta semana.

Tongue Twisters in English :Umber’s Diary

Here are some tongue twisters (trabalenguas) in English to try at home, try to say the words quickly!

I scream, you scream, we all scream, for ice cream!


Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

Where’s the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?


I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if the woodchuck could chuck wood?

He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,

And chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would,

If a woodchuck could chuck wood.


She sells sea shells by the seashore

And the shells she sells by the seashore are sea shells for sure.


All I want is a proper cup of coffee,

Made in a proper copper coffee pot

I may be off my dot

But I want a cup of coffee

From a proper coffee pot.


Tin coffee pots and iron coffee pots

They’re no use to me –

If I can’t have a proper cup of coffee

In a proper copper coffee pot

I’ll have a cup of tea.

Baking Delicious Cupcakes : Umber´s Diary


Hello everybody I hope you are all well. Recently I have noticed the increase in home baking as people are staying at home because of the virus. Many people are keeping busy by trying new recipes and cooking/baking. I went to the supermarket and couldn’t find any flour or baking powder because a lot of people are buying items that are needed for baking. People are uploading pictures of what they have made on social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok. A very popular trend on TikTok is making Dalgona coffee. There are many videos online demonstrating how to create the coffee.


Here is a simple recipe to make cupcakes 🙂


  • A large bowl
  • Weighing scales and measuring spoon
  • Wooden spoon, whisk (or fork)
  • Cupcake cases



  • 125g caster sugar
  • 125g butter
  • 125g self raising flour
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla essence



  1. Preheat the oven
  2. Mix the butter, sugar and vanilla extract together in a bowl
  3. Add the eggs
  4. Sift the flour
  5. Beat everything together until the mixture is smooth
  6. Use a tablespoon to half fill each case with the cupcake mixture then put them in the oven. The cupcakes should take 20 minutes to bake. Enjoy! (decorate if you want)


  1. Do you enjoy baking or cooking? What do you like to bake or cook?
  2. What is your favourite dessert and food?
  3. Write out the words in bold and write down the meaning.

English: 3º ESO B , 1ºBach B and C (27/04-01/05 Tasks)

3º ESO

  1. Read Top Tips for young entrepreneurs (page 63) and answer these questions (and sent them to me)
  2. Tell me about your obligations at home during these days that we have to stay at home. These sentences can be affirmative or negative. Write 6 sentences like the example :” We must tidy our bedrooms to have a good place to work ”
  3. SHOULD:write 5 examples of advice to somebody after this lockdown period (time spent in our houses). For example, “You should visit your grandparents after the quarentine”
  4. Listening and Grammar https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/grammar/beginner-grammar/have-must-should-obligation-advice
  5. PMAR students (File sent by mail)

1º Bach

1Complete the activities in this file (Unit 6 Grammar ** and send it back to me (Check the Grammar Notes we read last week)

2 Page 70 V Health

  1. Look up new expressions in a dictionary
  2. Complete the captions in exercise 1 (Page 70) with feel, have got or hurt and send me the answers
  3. Match the bold expressions in exercise 3 to the definitions in exercise 4  (Page 70) and send me the answers

3 Adjective/ Verb and prepositions

1 Look up which prepositions go with each adjective in a dictionary

  1. Complete exercise 3 page 72 and send me the answers (Adjective and Prepositions)

3.Look up which prepositions go with each verb in a dictionary

4.Choose the correct option in exercise 4 page 72 and send me the answers (Verb and Prepositions)

5 Climate Change

Click on this website


  1. Watch this video about school strikes to fight against climate change
  2. Do the online acivities to check your understanding and grammar.
  3. Send me your opinion about this movement (Fridays for a change)

English Tasks: 3ºESO B, 1º Bach B,C (20th-25th April)

3º ESO B (20-25 April)

1 . A project about Environment  Before we started our quarantine, you were preparing (individually or in groups) projects about how to improve environment. It could be a poster, an advertisement, a board game, a roleplay, a leaflet, etc. When you finish, send it to Aula Virtual or to my mail  (if you are a group, just send one with all the names of the group). If you have any doubt, send me a mail.

2. Listening: Jamie Oliver shows you how to make the perfect omelette

Click on this site https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/video-zone/how-make-perfect-omelette and watch a video about cooking an omelette. Before Easter we read about how to make an omelette and you described your own recipes. Now, you just have to listen to this explanation of how to make an omelette by the most famous cook in Britain, Jamie Oliver.

After listening (You can read the transcript if it´s too difficult for you), then, answer the “Check your understanding:multiple choice and selecting” sections and send me your answers to Aula Virtual.

 “Check your understanding:multiple choice ”

1 Why does Jamie say that omelettes are very ‘flexible’?

2 What should a perfect omelette be?

3 How can you avoid making the omelette crispy?

4 When can you bring the egg in from the sides of the pan?

5 When should you unstick the omelette from the sides of the pan?

“Check your understanding: selecting”

1 What foods does Jamie recommend serving with your omelette?

3.  Read notes about MUST and HAVE TO and do the activities in Aula Virtual Must and Have To   

And do this activity https://test-english.com/grammar-points/a2/have-to-dont-have-to-must-mustnt/

4. (20-25 April)Complete balloons in this  comic strip


1 Bach B,C (20-25 April)

1 Listening: The rise of the Youtube Vloggers

Click on this site and answer these questions in Aula Virtual


1 What is a vlogger?

2 Is this a full or part-time job?

3 How do they go shopping in a supermarket?

4 Why is Charlie MacDonald so famous?

5 According to Dan Howell´s opinion, what is the difference between vloggers and celebrities  ?

2. Conditional sentences

We learnt about this grammar item last course but we can check it doing these tasks:

  1. Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30RYJPb_q3U
  2. Read the summaries in pages 143,144 and 145 in your textbook.
  3. Read these notes about the differences among Zero,First, Second and Third Conditionals and click on the online tasks.
  4. Do the exercises 1, 2 and 3 (page 68 in your textbook) and send me the answers in Aula Virtual.
  5. Watch this video using Third Conditional sentences  and read notes about the Third Conditional. Then do the online activities (Check your Grammar)


3. Check the rest of activities in Aula Virtual and Blog

Missing you!

After more than one month without going to our classes, we really miss you all and we are looking forward to meeting you again. We haven’t lost contact through our blog, mail,”aula virtual”, etc. but we have realized that our daily experience with our students is, now , more relevant than ever.

We, teachers, just want to dedicate this song  to YOU.

Keep strong, we will be together soon!

Your teachers.

Easter in the UK : Umber´s Diary

Hi everyone! I made a short video about Easter in the UK so you can practice listening skills in English. Feel free to comment on the video in English or Spanish if you want and I will reply to you!

If you don’t understand it well you can click on the text below the video and you will find the transcription of it.

For 3º ESO students, watch the video and answer these questions in Aula Virtual.


– What do you do for Easter?

– What is your favourite holiday in the whole year?

– What are the Easter traditions in Almería?

(Click to read the transcription of the video)
Easter Diary

English Tasks: 3ºESO B, 1º Bach B,C (13th-17th)

Información general: La tarea semanal se irá publicando tanto en los correos de tutoría como en el aula virtual. Al haber alumnado con problemas de acceso al aula virtual también se publicará en este blog hasta que el acceso se solucione.

13-17th April

These are the files you have to do for this week (13-17th April). They are documents you can open and you have to complete them on the same documents. (I couldn’t understand some all your activities before Easter because of your handwriting or low quality of images). Then, you have to upload them in our course (Aula Virtual) before 18th April. All these activities are related to the contents that we learnt before the lockdown but if you have any problem, send me an email .

Estos son los archivos que tienes que hacer durante esta semana (del 13 al 17 de Abril) . Son documentos que puedes editar y tienes que completarlos en los mismos documentos( algunas de las actividades entregadas antes de Semana Santa eran dificiles de entender por la letra o la baja calidad de las imágenes). A continuación, tienes que subir los documentos al Aula Virtual antes del 18 de Abril. Todas estas actividades están relacionadas con contenidos dados en clase pero si tienes algún problema, mándame un correo.

3º ESO B

3 Tasks 13-17 O4

Have a look at Umber’s diary (in our blog) and send me your answers to her questions.

1º Bach (B,C)




Moreover, we will upload some videos and other activities in this blog.

So, Keep in touch.

Thanks for your help!