Missing you!

After more than one month without going to our classes, we really miss you all and we are looking forward to meeting you again. We haven’t lost contact through our blog, mail,”aula virtual”, etc. but we have realized that our daily experience with our students is, now , more relevant than ever.

We, teachers, just want to dedicate this song  to YOU.

Keep strong, we will be together soon!

Your teachers.

End of term activity : Ancient Greece and Rome

The end of the term has come and we have just celebrated it with an Ancient Culture Party. Our 1 ESO students have had two days to find out the features of Ancient Greece and Rome participating in different activities . We started sharing some information on our big board which was very useful for the cultural contest which was won by 1 ESO B team.

On Thursday, students learn how to make the Greek and Roman costumes and ornaments  they were going to wear on Friday. On Friday morning, students watched “Percy Jackson : Sea of Monsters” and after the film they played Seikilos Epitaph.


Middle Ages

From the 8th to 12th April , Celia Viñas bilingual  school turned into a medieval court where our 2ESO students experienced how life was in Middle Ages. They attended to different workshops (Calligraphy organized by the Latin Department, Alchemy by the Chemistry Department, Soap and Candle Making by the Natural Science Department and the History of Information from medieval copists to 3-D printing made by the Computer Department) and two exhibitions (stained glass and sheet music) by the Arts and Music Departments. On the 12th, there were films, medieval games and a homage ceremony(organized by the Physical Education, History and English Departments) .

We really enjoyed all the performances and had a great time thanks to the collaboration among students and teachers.



Historical Heritage Gymkhana


On 15th February, we could see about 90 students running upwards and downwards our stairs tracking for clues.

What was it going on? Yes, you got it.

They were participating in our Historical Heritage Tour. This was a gymkhana organized by the Bilingual programme to make our students learn about  places, curiosities and facts at Celia Viñas High School.


2 ESO students, divided in groups of 6, rushed and sprinted for 3 hours to be the first participants to answer all the questions on time. They went through corridors,the well courtyard,the library, the assembly hall, the laboratories,the chapel,etc like characters in Hogwarts to reach the precious treasures.


A historical tour to know about the amazing place where we learn, work and live everyday. All the teachers in the bilingual programme participated and we also had the great help of Ana Ortiz Torres and other students  who are doing their teaching internships in our school.

Thanks to all of them and the 2 ESO students who took part in this activity!!!

Ps.- A final task for our gymkhana: our poster is a version of a very famous poster which illustrated a record and a film of the most important British Band. Who are they? Which is the title of this record?.