Happy St Patrick’s Day

1 ESO students are going to celebrate St Patrick´s (the patron of Ireland) from 19th to 23rd March . This is a national holiday in Ireland and it is celebrated in this country and in many places all over the world because the Irish people emigrated to many different places (especially the USA and Canada) to escape from the Potato Famine (your History teacher is going to tell you about it). Ireland is famous because of its traditions, customs and people. They are very friendly people and they love music and dancing as much as we do (You will sing “ I’m a little Leprechaun” with your Music teacher and your Physical Education teacher is going to teach you how to perform the traditional Irish dancing). We are also going to learn about Irish culture and sport in the English classes and we will watch a video to visit the most interesting places in Ireland.


Here you have a video to practise Irish dancing …


… and a poster to make Irish Top Hats.

So, enjoy an Irish week at Celia Viñas Bilingual Secondary School.


Present Simple or Continuous?

Are you sure when you choose one of these tenses? Well, if you have problems to see the difference, watch this amusing presentation.

Do you like it? If you want a complete explanation about Present Simple and Present Continuous, you can click on the following video …

Now, you are ready to practise in class …

St Valentine’s Cards

We have made some activities  for St Valentine’s Day:  We have been learning about the history of this festivity, practising useful expressions related to this topic, singing love songs and writing friendship and love cards. We have really enjoyed this day.

And if you want to know the history of St Valentine, watch this video


Ashley, Our Language Assistant

We are really glad because we have had classes with our language assistant,Ashley,  since the beginning of January and we are looking forward to  learning a lot from  such an amazing teacher. Her teaching lessons are dynamic and fun because she presents different topics using games, images, her personal life…

She is from California (quite far away) and we hope she has a nice stay with us.

We are very lucky.

Thanks, Ashley!

Hotel Canterville

Last Tuesday 16th January, fifty students of our first bilingual course attended a play called “Hotel Canterville” which was performed by Face to Face Theatre Company. It was a funny and great experience where some students could act and the public participated actively as well.