There is/are … (Flipped Classroom)

We learnt to use “There is/are …” in class, but if you want to check it you can watch this video

And now to practise, imagine your ideal classroom and describe it  in your notebook using:

“There is/isn´t ….” or “There are/aren´t… ”  in/on /next to/under/behind etc.

Thank you.

How much/many…?

Task 1: Check the difference between

“How Many…?” and “How Much …?”

Task 2: Make 6 questions about Almería using How Much/Many …?  and answer them on your notebooks



Next Wednesday, we will participate in a contest among all the students in 1ºESO at Celia Viñas Bilingual Secondary School. If you want to practise, answer the following question

And the right answer is …

Don´t forget to read all the notes about Ireland before the contest, you will win a prize if you choose the correct answer. Ah, yes … you were right. This skyline is from one of the most beautiful cities in the world and the capital of Ireland… Dublin.

St Patrick´s day in Chicago and …Celia Viñas Secondary school

Today, St. Patrick´s Day (the patron of Ireland) is celebrated all over the world and one of the most famous event is in Chicago where they change its river into bright beautiful green (a little leprechaun magic) . They have been dyeing its Chicago river green for more than fifty years.

Last year we started celebrating St. Patrick´s Day and we are going to continue this tradition. Next Wednesday, we will have an Irish party with a Quiz Contest, Songs and Irish dancing.

So, celebrate St Patrick´s day with us in our gym next 21st March.

We will have fun!!!