St Patrick’s Day (17th March) : Day and Night Activities

Last week, our language assistants Aoife and Max told us about St.Patrick’s Day not only in Ireland but in different parts of the world. Students listened to a presentation about the history of this festivity and its worldwide relevance especially in those countries where the Irish people migrated. Then, we listened to Irish songs, learnt about Irish pronunciation and discuss about cultural topics. At the end, students elaborated some posters illustrating the activity and you can see them on the Bilingual Programme Board.

In the evening classes, ESPA and 1 Bach students watched ONCE a musical film with Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova about two musicians in the streets of Dublin while tasting delicious Irish scones with marmalade and cups of tea. The perfect combination to enjoy St Patrick’s Day.

3 ESO Tessellations with Escher’s inspiration

3º ESO students have created tessellations with Escher’s inspiration in art classes.
They have transformed an equilateral triangle to create their own module and rotated it to draw the tessellation. They have used their imagination to try to find a figurative shape inside the module.

Here you can see some of the final results.

14th February: St Valentine’s Day

Partners and friends celebrate a day which is more than only an excuse for shopping, Its long and rich history, its legends, customs and traditions around the world show the relevance of this special event.

Some of the activities that we will do on this special day are: decoration of boards, exchange of Valentine’s cards, creation of love poems and contests to show our knowledge about the origin of this tradition and the reasons of being a worldwide festivity.

1 IB Students have used famous scenes from Shakespeare’s plays to recreate toxic relationships and 2 IB students made up stories from historical events to make us reflect about love matters.

If you want to learn about the origins of this celebration, watch the video below.

Here you can find a text to read about this celebration and answer some questions about it.

If you want to have fun and learn more, do the following activities


Christmas time

As Christmas approaches, our high school celebrates this joyous time with various activities to say goodbye to an amazing year and looking forward to a new and happy one.

1 and 2 ESO classes have participated in a Christmas cards competition and have also decorated their classes during these days. Prizes will be given at the beginning of the year.

1 IB students have prepared some welcoming events to show our school to a group of IB students from Úbeda, Jaén. There was a sightseeing tour around the school and there was a concert featuring performances from some our IB students in the assembly hall.

Our language assistants have exposed the features of Christmas and New Year’s celebrations in their own countries and have created quizzes to encourage students to show their knowledge about Irish and American traditions.

IB students have taken photos from different corners in our city to celebrate this festivity and wish a happy new year to everyone in different languages.

Lois Stettner Photo exhibition

Opening attendance to Stettner exhibition at CAF with 2nd Batch students . Informal talk with his widow and brother-in-law after wards . Students had to choose the photograph that caught their eye from the exhibition and comment it.

2 Bach. J : El 47, a film release

1 Bach. J attended the release of a new film “El 47” and met the director Marcel Barrena who explained the features of this awarded film . After this experience they summed up the story and the meeting in a project in English which will be presented in their class.

A CODEX : 2 ESO Students and the making of old manuscripts

A codex is a book from before the invention of the printing press. It’s written by hand and consists of a set of booklets that are sewn together.
2º ESO students have made a page of a codex using the typical writing for music in the Middle Ages: four lines instead of five and square notation.

Some of the material they have created are displayed on the blue board in the corridor.

The results are amazing. You have to see them for yourself!

1 ESO C: a Cuneiform Writing Workshop

One of the best ways to understand History is to feel the same experience of our forefathers. That’s what 1 ESO C students have done in a Cuneiform Writing Workshop where they have had the opportunity of creating ancient tablets and discover how we used to communicate in the past.

if you want to have a look at the material made by 1 ESO C students, you have the chance of watching the tablets and images on the blue and yellow boards in the corridor.

Don’t miss it!

Halloween 2024

A bit later than usual, we celebrated Halloween with different events . The previous weeks, our language assistants told how Halloween is celebrated in their native countries and about its history.

But the main activities were made on 7th November. Early in the morning, the International Baccaulareate students told scary stories to all the 1 ESO students.

Afterwards, 3º ESO students created an amazing Scary Treasure Hunt with two different murder stories where 1 ESO students had to find and solve clues around different places in our high school to achieve a sweet and groovy goal. Students really had fun while going through rooms and corridors they haven’t been before.

Other groups, did activities in their classes of English and decorated their doors and walls with ghosts, witches and monsters to celebrate this tradition which is so typical in all English speaking countries.

2 ESO students watched a video about the Macabre Dance by Camille Saint Saëns and they had to fill a form with questions about the composer and the instruments .