English Tasks: 3ºESO B, 1º Bach B,C (20th-25th April)

3º ESO B (20-25 April)

1 . A project about Environment  Before we started our quarantine, you were preparing (individually or in groups) projects about how to improve environment. It could be a poster, an advertisement, a board game, a roleplay, a leaflet, etc. When you finish, send it to Aula Virtual or to my mail  (if you are a group, just send one with all the names of the group). If you have any doubt, send me a mail.

2. Listening: Jamie Oliver shows you how to make the perfect omelette

Click on this site https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/video-zone/how-make-perfect-omelette and watch a video about cooking an omelette. Before Easter we read about how to make an omelette and you described your own recipes. Now, you just have to listen to this explanation of how to make an omelette by the most famous cook in Britain, Jamie Oliver.

After listening (You can read the transcript if it´s too difficult for you), then, answer the “Check your understanding:multiple choice and selecting” sections and send me your answers to Aula Virtual.

 “Check your understanding:multiple choice ”

1 Why does Jamie say that omelettes are very ‘flexible’?

2 What should a perfect omelette be?

3 How can you avoid making the omelette crispy?

4 When can you bring the egg in from the sides of the pan?

5 When should you unstick the omelette from the sides of the pan?

“Check your understanding: selecting”

1 What foods does Jamie recommend serving with your omelette?

3.  Read notes about MUST and HAVE TO and do the activities in Aula Virtual Must and Have To   

And do this activity https://test-english.com/grammar-points/a2/have-to-dont-have-to-must-mustnt/

4. (20-25 April)Complete balloons in this  comic strip


1 Bach B,C (20-25 April)

1 Listening: The rise of the Youtube Vloggers

Click on this site and answer these questions in Aula Virtual


1 What is a vlogger?

2 Is this a full or part-time job?

3 How do they go shopping in a supermarket?

4 Why is Charlie MacDonald so famous?

5 According to Dan Howell´s opinion, what is the difference between vloggers and celebrities  ?

2. Conditional sentences

We learnt about this grammar item last course but we can check it doing these tasks:

  1. Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30RYJPb_q3U
  2. Read the summaries in pages 143,144 and 145 in your textbook.
  3. Read these notes about the differences among Zero,First, Second and Third Conditionals and click on the online tasks.
  4. Do the exercises 1, 2 and 3 (page 68 in your textbook) and send me the answers in Aula Virtual.
  5. Watch this video using Third Conditional sentences  and read notes about the Third Conditional. Then do the online activities (Check your Grammar)


3. Check the rest of activities in Aula Virtual and Blog